The Plastic Packaging Tax: From April 2022 (Thermoplastics)
The plastics packing tax came into force in April 2022. It is a tax of £200 per tonne on all plastic packaging that does not contain at least 30% recycled content.
The plastics packing tax came into force in April 2022. It is a tax of £200 per tonne on all plastic packaging that does not contain at least 30% recycled content.
Christmas Warehouse Closure & Reopening Dates 2021/2022 Plasfilms (UK & Spain) / Plascoatings / Plasfoils Please see below our logistics partners operating hours around Christmas
Plastribution Group moves to new state-of-the-art offices Leading plastics distribution group, Plastribution, has moved into new state-of-the-art offices close to its existing premises in Ashby
How we can work together to mitigate supply chain disruption over the coming months.
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